Saturday, November 03, 2007

"No, Not Yet"

My (now ex-)officemates and I are hooked on.. Prince of Tennis!

The anime looks great, even with the exaggerated moves. I've also read that the manga, which began in 1999, is only set to finish later this year! 8 years running?! So cool!

Nap also mentioned that there's a live action version! Of course, I looked it up. I was a bit disappointed that it was only a movie (not a series). I also checked YouTube, and I got to watch the movie trailer -- I liked it! I'm still undecided whether to watch the movie from YouTube, or wait for a higher quality version (probably from Mike)..


I used to watch a lot of tennis back in high school. I was introduced to it by no less than Noel Singidas! Haven't played the sport yet, though..

Anyway, I was prompted to post something like this because I wouldn't pass up on this:

Nalbandian knocks off Federer again
(Davydenko's serving draws rebuke from chair umpire)

I don't watch any tennis now, so I'm not familiar with the players, but how the current No. 1 lost consecutive matches with a particular player IS COOL!

Another thing worth pointing out is that subtitle -- a player "was fined $2,000 by the ATP for "lack of best effort"". Whoa. Tennis is hardcore!

1 comment:

Celedor said...

Lol. I woke up screaming November 1, and I don't remember why.

And yesh, a berserk roach also tried to attack me while I was walking on the sidewalk.

November 1 - the night of the roach!! >:E