Friday, April 04, 2008


Mike shared a news article: House panel OKs bill criminalizing mimicry

The article reports:

A bill that seeks to criminalize mimicking or imitating a person's way of speaking particularly his peculiar accent or diction in an insulting and degrading manner has been approved by a committee at the House of Representatives.

Now, this, I find reasonable:

Dumarpa's bill seeks to prohibit religious or racial discrimination against Muslim and other members of the cultural minorities.


Aside from mimickry or imitation, the proposed legislation also penalizes those who would subject any person to "unnecessary, unjustified, illegal and degrading search because of his manner of clothing, religion, color, creed, and ethnic identity."

"Discriminating a person who is applying for a job just because of his name, religion or ethnic background might also be a ground for imprisonment," Dumarpa said in a statement on Thursday.

But the part that says "seeks to criminalize mimicking or imitating a person's way of speaking particularly his peculiar accent or diction in an insulting and degrading manner" is a bit too vague.. I can already imagine this being used against comedians copying some popular/political personalities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bunch of geniuses.